Tuesday 3 March 2015

Heads up

For anyone using a Wiki site , specifically google sites, the enabling process is very slow to enact. by this I mean that I have enabled my learners by putting their emails into the permission part of the site managed section. It actually takes days for the comments section of the sub pages to be active. so don't expect miracles instantly. Bear with the process, I have also included a few pals who have looked at it (Wiki) for feed back. Some have emailed me others rang me. This I suspect is a reflection of the slow enabling process and people who are not quite up to speed as we have become very recently(Adult Learners issues). I have found that with Google specifically when getting my websites, which are amazing!, active and attracting attention it does take some time for your managed settings and vital wording to get your details to bring the Site to the top of the listing,i.e. upper part of the First page. So it seems to be a waiting game unlike the short attention span creatures we have become, who expect every thing instantly.....
PS I hope all got their essays in on time.

Sunday 1 March 2015

A little scary!!!

This is a screen shot saved yesterday with me being a good Boy and doing my home work and using all the Hyperlinks , that God gave me. See what happens with optimised conductivity. This is my own version of spooky, not unlike my previous Blog with Plato!!!! which is a little spooky.

Saturday 28 February 2015

Need I say more

‘Someday In the distant future, our grandchildren’s grandchildren will develop a new equivalent of our classrooms. They will spend many hours in front of boxes with fires glowing within. May they have the wisdom to know the difference between light and knowledge’----Plato ,

Podcasting, yet another delight while your busy

With my upgraded technology I have ventured into the updated version of listening to the radio....Podcasting....I used to listen to Alister Cook's Letter from America over the years while refusing to get up until it was over. Now I can indulge this old habit with all my own interests. On a related Project and Career focus I came across the National Gallery Podcast of a venetian Painter Veronese who rose to fame as a fresco painterhttp://www.nationalgallery.org.uk/podcasts/the-national-gallery-podcast-episode-eighty-nine. With this Audio capability I have my own subjects, just like listening to BBC World Service and Radio 4 rolled into one. I will indulge my learners with this on my Wiki. This recording can also be found on sub heading 'Venturing out and still learning'
Till later.

Friday 27 February 2015

Another Fab discovery on a wiki Google site

For Learners to make comments on your site(Wiki) you need to get to  your hosting google email account- go to the site -cog(think its called settings)-site actions-manage site-general(on left hand side)-sharing and permissions-add your students email account in invite people---Job done---- this allows learners to add comments to the bottom section of each page in the various subsections that have been created----DA DA ----magic!!!!
Incidentally my site is https://sites.google.com/site/artisticskillsuwtsd/ and its fab!! Any one wishing to comment email me p143804@gmail.com or lionel_powell@yahoo.ie.  Best wishes one and all

Thursday 26 February 2015

Getting your Information on Moodle for Learners

I created a Powerpoint presentation for a group of learners and wanted to get it to them before the workshop/ Lecture, so they could maximise workshop time. I came a cropper as the file was too big. It had links to Youtube, and beautiful clear high quality images. The requirement was to get it on Moodle. This was difficult to achieve at first, because there is a limit of 30mb to each file. To over come this it is necessary to manipulate the image resolution using Photoshop (PS).

The steps are on PS;  File-Open-Choose a large photo. Image- Image size-select 72 dpi in Resolution box. File- Save As-ppname image.jpeg. Save into a New folder (photos forPowerpoint). With the omission of two images and this reduction process The file was reduced from 31mb down to 18mb. This then uploaded successfully thus enabling Learners to access information that was approved, thus avoiding the hassle of sifting trough much  distracting info. on the web.

Some tips from lesson delivery if your ICT lets you down.

Bring Learners into a semicircle having got suitable seating if required. Stand at the central point of this half circle with your backup documentation and have this in hand to show to learners, rotating and displaying  to the group as required. Let them have these images or documents for short short periods and retrieve as required for showing to the group. Also on hand, your notes to yourself Printed Large. These notes form part of your document Lesson Plan, that is ,Introduction, Main Body and Plenary. Take your time, be prepared to skip parts of PowerPoint that are not critical, be ever mindful of your time. Whatever charm or subtle sense of humour you have use it as you deliver. Know your subject, deliver with a light touch and do not say anything that is not accurate. Accept information from your learners with grace and gratitude believe in yourself and delivered with excitement and passion. These coupled with a certain level of Blarney stood me in good stead on my first Lesson Observation.